Monday, August 26, 2013

An inspiring opportunity and more hard work

On Tuesday and Wednesday last week, we had the opportunity of meeting Elder Kent F. Richards of the Seventy. He taught us about the plain and precious truths of living by the Law of God, receiving and heeding the Spirit, and key principles of good leadership:
  1. Teach truth (law)
  2. Invite to live the truth (law)
  3. Minister
I quite enjoyed Elder Richard's visit and I was honored to be able to visit personally with Elder Richards and his wife. President Samuelian selected 5-10 people to be personally interviewed and I was blessed to be one of them. What a blessing that was. He helped me see some things about my future that I had not considered and helped me feel good about the things that I had considered thanks to President Samuelian's training he's been giving us on vision and true conversion. I am eternally grateful that President and Sister Samuelian have been preparing me so well for my life, whereas before I don't think I would've had the same direction after my mission. I know the Lord placed me here at this time, in this setting for a reason. And that reason only becomes more and more apparent as the days go by.

Elder Hatch and I studied about charity and virtue this morning and we learned that we as missionaries must have positive and uplifting thoughts regarding the members and leaders of the ward the same way we need to do so for our investigators and nonmembers. I know I could always have more of this and so I am "praying to be filled with this love," and I know that as I do we will be able to work together with the members so much more effectively. It's been astonishing to see how as the Lord hasten's His work, the members and missionaries gradually become more unified and diligent in their efforts.
It is unusual for me to think that were I not extending my mission, I would be returning home next Tuesday (Sept 4). I am grateful that I have extended, however, and am happy that I will have so much more time to serve the Lord and help hasten the work of salvation here in Oregon. It also gives me excitement and understanding of how I can continue to serve and become more converted after I return home. The vision the Lord has revealed to me is providing so many ways for me to become better and I know this extra time will help me throughout my life.

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