It struck me as something that
would clearly state the need for vision in coordination with Proverbs 29:18 -
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." It has never made more
sense that we each have a need for a vision. Because of that realization, we've
taken the time to work with individuals and families in our ward to create
their own family and personal visions so that they too can experience the
blessings that have spawned from the faith-filled experiences we've been
This also reminded me of the
talk given by Elder Gary Stevenson in the April 2009 General Conference -
Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples. I'll just share an excerpt of the talk here:
"I remember a warm, sunny afternoon when spring was trying to
nudge its way through a long winter in Cache Valley, Utah. My father, whose
Saturdays were always filled with chores for his grandsons, stopped by our home
with an offer to “go for a ride.” Always happy to ride in Grandpa’s truck, our
four- and six-year-old sons scurried into the back jump seat, and I joined my
father in the front. Our drive took us through the streets of downtown Logan,
which wrap around the Logan Temple, prominently situated on a hill, centered
beautifully in the city. As we moved further away from the city, we turned from
paved, busy streets to seldom-used dirt roads, where we crossed old bridges and
weaved through trees far into the country. We were far from any other traffic
and all alone.
Realizing his grandsons were in a place they
had not been before, my father stopped the truck. “Do
you think we are lost?”
he asked the wide-eyed boys as they gazed out the windshield across the valley.
Followed by a moment of silent assessment came the profound reply of a young child.
“Look,” he said, pointing his finger. “Grandpa, you are never lost when you can
see the temple.” Our eyes turned, focusing with his, seeing the sun glistening
off the spires of the Logan Temple, far across the valley.
You are never lost when you can see the temple.
The temple will provide direction for you and your family in a world filled with chaos. It is an eternal
guidepost which will help you from getting lost in the “mist of darkness.”1 "
following our district leader council, I took Elder Hales back to Dairy Creek
while Elder Hatch remained in Tillamook with Elder Rock for an exchange. Elder
Hales and I saw several awesome miracles during the day that we were
were referred to a nonmember family, who has a foster daughter who was
originally thought to be a recently converted member of the Church. Upon
meeting the very kind and lovely nonmember mother, we discovered that the
foster daughter was in fact unbaptized at this point. To our delight, the
daughter expressed her knowledge that this Gospel is true and that she
does indeed want to be baptized. What a lovely little miracle that was. She
came to church yesterday with a member family and we hope to get to know the
rest of the family so that they too, can experience the increased happiness and
joy the gospel brings.
I know I can't share all the
miracles that we witnessed this last week, but I will share but one more with
you. Upon arriving back in Dairy Creek ward after zone conference on Wednesday,
we went to dinner at a less-active family's home. One of the sons, had invited
his nonmember girlfriend over to join us for the meal. We had a great
conversation and were able to socialize in a friendly manner that allowed the
girlfriend to become comfortable with us.
Following the meal, we asked if we
could share a spiritual message before we left. We had not received any prior
inspiration as to what we might share with the family, but given the
circumstances, Elder Hatch was impressed to share 2 Nephi 32: 8-9:
9 But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul."
was guided by the Holy Ghost to teach about prayer and its purpose. We asked
Madison a few questions about her background and taught about the truth we are
able to receive by asking God questions in prayer. We were enthused about the
lesson resulting in the girlfriend agreeing to learn more by coming to the
less-active family's home for lessons, but we weren't expecting what the mother
informed us of afterwards through a conversation over text:
in the week she had been discussing with her son what prayer was and he seemed
to be unsettled on the subject in general. But, we, not knowing beforehand what
we should say, were inspired to teach about prayer, thus helping to bring peace
to the son's mind on the subject. I was astonished and grateful that the Lord
could use us as an instrument to bring about great things in the whole family
that day (which happened to be my birthday - what a great gift).
might miracles are occurring. There is no doubt or fear that can stop us now.
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