Friday, August 9, 2013

A good and busy week

I know that with all the work and service and efforts that are happening by inspiration of the Spirit is providing a softening of all the hearts of the people in this stake and in our ward.

We also experienced great learning from the Mission Leadership Council we had this last Thursday, and a great district meeting by our awesome district leader on Friday.

Elder Hatch and I have been doing great. We both agree that this is our best companionship that we've ever had on our missions. We work so well together, we get along so well, we plan and teach well because of the Spirit, we serve willingly and have very little time to think of our own needs and desires, and ultimately we have not had to struggle much to create a Christ-like culture between us. We love one another and we have a blast just talking with one another all the time.

In all honesty, I've stated to him and now to you that I am planning on using our companionship and the success of the nature of it to plot and base what kind of eternal companionship and marriage I would like to have in the future. The simplicity and functionality of our friendship is a great example of lasting happiness, since I will always look to Elder Hatch as a friend and brother. Since Elder Hatch and I both had the same difficult companion right before he went home, it has also made me regret not establishing a better relationship and friendship with all my companions. I truly hope to be able to go home and call each one up as soon as they're all home, and be able to have great times on into eternity with them.

We had a great zone gathering today that took a great deal of planning and coordinating and turned out to be a whole lot of fun. We took a trip down to Pacific City to help each member in our zone capture the vision of building upon the Rock of Christ as we gazed out from the beach at the Cape Kiwanda rock symbolizing a sure foundation in Christ. We did a short training from the scriptures embellishing our hopes for a more Christ-like culture in ourselves as individuals and as a zone in unity.

We all brought packed lunches and ran around with kites and playing volleyball on the beach for a bit. Afterwards we drove over to Tillamook Cheese factory and had an awesome time. We really enjoyed it and hope that our zone was able to capture the vision, because as I've shared before: "Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs)"

Miracles are happening all around, my friends. I've seen them. There is no question about it - the Lord's vision changes everything.

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