Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Called to serve one last time

I have been transferred one last time. I am now in Albany Oregon. I am in my last transfer before going home.
My mission is technically through and I am now in a bonus 6 weeks. Woo!

My last week and time with Elder Hatch was great. We got a chance to see many miracles as we served together as leaders, adjoining missionary areas, and as companions. I will truly miss him... until next week when I see him at MLC. Haha.
Unfortunately I do not have enough time to talk about last week too much because I wanted to fill you in on where I am and what happened within the last three days.
I have been transferred to another zone leader area, serving with Elder Colin Tandy-Trammell, who hails from Provo, UT and has been on his mission for roughly 18 months or so and will return home in February. He has three younger brothers and loves sports. His companion that I replaced just went home, so he will be killing off two missionaries in a row.
I am now serving in the Oak Creek and Grand Prairie YSA wards in the Lebanon Zone, which was formerly a part of the Eugene mission. I guess the Lord had to split the missions and combine some in order for me to come down here and serve His children here.
I love all of you, alas I have less time on this computer in this library than I have before, so hopefully more news will be delivered next week!

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