Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The work, the play, the rewards

I baptized Caroline on Saturday!! I was so nervous at first because of some mix ups with the address of the church and then I also forgot my baptismal clothes. Thankfully everything worked out despite my inadequacies. Ha ha. It was so cool to baptize someone that I've been laboring with for the past several months - all of which began with just simple acts of service and kindness. She is a wonderful woman. I love her. I'm so happy that the Gospel has blessed me and my family enough to have gotten me this far and has allowed me to share that happiness with others. It was so nice to see some members of my old ward there too. I miss them like crazy, but I look forward to getting to know my new wards better. 

It has been a bit a of a slow week, but we did lots of unplanned service for people we came across. I've now mowed the lawn in proselyting clothes a second time and Elder Hendricks (ZL) and I went to do service for a couple less-actives when he was here on Friday. The exchange went well and he taught me how to have more casual, open conversations/lessons with people. I hope to be able to teach people more comfortably.

Elder Ball isn't much of  a runner, but we do bike over to the Sunset High School track a few mornings a week and I run a mile or two. I've loved it. It's getting more and more beautiful now that summer's here (despite a few gloomy set backs here and there). The mornings are the best and it feels great to wake up my body to some good old running. Plus, this week, on the 4th of July there's a neighborhood 5-mile race, which I'm excited to do! This holiday sounds fun - we are encouraged to spend time with the members if we can't schedule any teaching appointments, so it'll be kind of nice.

I am striving to be a better teacher, finder, and missionary every day. Yesterday was a bit of a drag - my first Fast Sunday with 6 hours of church across the two wards - but I am choosing to be happy, and am relaxing and enjoying the work as I go. It's been so much fun the past few weeks. I pray that with the new investigators we have found and will continue to find, we will be able to bring them closer to Christ by our teaching and serving.

I love you, all! Love, Elder Irvine

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