Monday, June 18, 2012

News from Elder Irvine

HOLY HILLS! Our area is going to be a workout on bike for me. Super super hilly. You're either biking up or down, not really any in between. Haha.
Elder Ball and I are working hard to get me acquainted with the ward auxiliaries and members from both wards. We've been traveling about and though it's a bit overwhelming at times, it's so cool to be able to get to meet and know so many people! Both wards are very large compared to my last ward, so I have nearly quadruple people to remember and work with -- and that's only the members! We don't really have any investigators or less actives that we're actively working with, but we're doing our best to find, find, find! Pray that people's hearts will be softened and open their doors and lives to us. This gospel literally means "good news" and is nothing more than "glad tidings of great joy" to those who are receptive to our message. So help us love these people by praying for them just as we do!
This ward is really great at organizing ward missionaries they have called and we go out on splits with them every Wednesday and Thursday evening. A young RM that returned within the last year from his mission went out with me this last Wednesday and we were able to street contact into some people. Their car seemed to be steaming from the engine, and although neither of us knew anything about cars, we offered our assistance. Haha. We didn't do anything to help them with their car, but luckily they were parked at home and so we asked them if we could come back to teach them more later, to which they agreed. The RM asked if they knew anyone who desperately needed an uplifting message about Christ and one of the women raised her hand. Haha. So we scheduled an appointment for later this week. Pray that we can follow the Spirit to help them come to Christ!
Pretty nice digs.  And clean, clean, clean!

Tools of the trade in hilly Portland.

Promising "golden" contact.

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