Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Another new companion

(On Saturday) after a long day of waiting and deciding that Elder Ball wasn't going anywhere for this transfer, we got a phone call telling us that Elder Ball was going to a car area. Bummer!! I'm going to miss him. We have had a lot of fun working together. I'll continue to send pics as usual, but it's good to note that they won't be as cool without Elder Ball's assistance and his cool camera skills.
So Sunday I proceeded to schedule appointments with all the Auxiliaries of the Wards so that whoever my new companion was going to be can meet them. Now we have a full week - awesome!!!
That evening we stopped by some members Elder Ball wanted to visit briefly. We had another Tongan food experience (they always feed us! they're so awesome). This time we had food I can't even pronounce. It was kind of cool that you mentioned having cooked bananas, Dad, cause that's what they served us this time. They tasted like potatoes. Ha ha.
Monday morning we went and played soccer and had breakfast as a zone. It was a fun way to end a transfer. One of our Zone Leaders went AP (Assistant to the President). He's a great missionary and knows how to give great compliments and has a positive attitude.
Now I'm with Elder Tomonori Baba. He was originally from Japan, moved to Chicago when he was 10 years old, then to Montana, and then went to school at BYU in Provo for two years before coming on his mission. He's been out 7 months roughly and this is oddly only his second area he's been in. He spent his first 7 months with four different companions in Seaside - one of the coveted areas in the mission right off of the coast. Ha ha.
Elder Ball and Elder Irvine with their new companions.
Two 6 week companions in a row is a little saddening in terms of building and separating friendships so quickly, but I'm glad to be with Elder Baba

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