Monday, July 16, 2012

Missionary work isn't all tracting!

On Friday evening we had the opportunity to go do a service project. A newly moved in member called us up and had us come over to help clean up his friend's backyard. Both the member who called us and the two nonmember friends were blind. The Elder's Quorum President in the Ward also came by and after assessing the situation, he gave a few people a call and in no time we had 6 or 7 men working away at the yard. It was all finished within about an hour. It was super neat to see the Priesthood pull together and serve so willingly - I mean it was a Friday night after all.
The nonmembers friends were very grateful and they even helped take a couple pictures. Haha. They took better pictures without any sight than most people do with sight (with some assistance in positioning the camera of course). They were really nice and even had brownies and lemonade prepared for us afterwards. Elder Ball and the Ward Mission Leader and I stuck around a little bit afterwards and taught the Restoration in conversation after talking to them a bit. My testimony continues to grow of how effective service, then teaching really is. An Elder in my district once said, "They won't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." It's so true.
Elder Ball and a few other Sisters in the Relief Society got together and played a beautiful rendition of "Beautiful Savior" on violins (accompanied by the piano) in Sacrament meeting yesterday. It was funny how Elder Ball got volunteered for the part in the first place - a few Sundays ago I was singing a few hymns to myself while handing out programs to those coming into the chapel. One of the Sisters complimented my singing and asked if I was a singer. I replied that I am no singer, but I do like to sing for fun. She mentioned that she was the Ward Coordinator for musical numbers in Sacrament Meeting and wondered if Elder Ball and I would sing a duet one Sunday. I chuckled and turned to Elder Ball to ask. He was openly opposed to singing, but he said he could play the violin. So one thing led to another and there we had a trio playing a beautiful hymn in Sacrament Meeting. Haha. It's funny cause I somehow have got out of singing... for now. Haha

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