Tuesday, July 10, 2012

An inspiring (and exhausting) 4th

From Elder Irvine's email this week:

On Tuesday we had a cool experience. Right after we were finished with District Meeting, as we were walking out to go to lunch, a man came into the church building and expressed that he needed some help with gas expenses for his car. Our first inclination was to call the Bishop to see if the church offered any gas tokens or something.

So while I was calling the Bishop, Elder Ball took out a $20 and gave it to him. This wasn't any old $20, either. The preceding day, somebody had stopped us (pretty sure he wasn't a member, either) and asked us if we had lunch yet. When we replied no, he handed us a $20 to our extreme gratitude. It was a miracle that Heavenly Father blessed us with the means to help this man. But that wasn't even the half of it.

The Bishop made contact with his wife at his house (he was currently at work) and had her come pick us and the man up to go over to his car which was parked in the local Safeway parking lot. When we arrived, the Bishop's wife pulled out 6 gallons of gas in a few gas containers and we used it to fill up the man's car a bit. These weren't any ordinary gas containers either!

The Bishop's wife told us how just the other day the Bishop and her went and filled up these gas cans for their lawn mowers. The Bishop's wife couldn't figure out why they needed 6 gallons of gas, however. The Bishop told her that honestly he didn't know either, but he figured it was good to have some in storage. "Who has 6 gallons of gasoline in storage? Isn't that dangerous??" Ha ha. It was yet another miracle.

I was hesitant at first to help the man simply because of today's societal beggars, but we discerned by the Spirit that this man was sincere. Elder Ball helped me to confirm this as we discussed the event afterwards. I don't know if we'll ever see the man again, but it made me feel good nevertheless - Take that for a Spiritual confirmation!
Then we had a super fun 4th of July! I ran in the Oak Hills fun run (FREE! Yeah!) which was 4.7 miles. It took two laps around the Oak Hills neighborhood loop and then one last little loop around an adjacent street and back. I have only been running here and there in the mornings over at Sunset Track, and so I think I nearly died trying to keep up with the Priesthood member I was running with - he's run a couple triathlons and said that this race would be a good warm up for his run he was running on Saturday! It was really fun, though. Call me a masochistic, but I really enjoy running! Plus I designed and created a t-shirt about 30 minutes before the race with a couple expo markers. Ha ha. It was pretty sick. Check it out in the pics.

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