Monday, August 26, 2013

An inspiring opportunity and more hard work

On Tuesday and Wednesday last week, we had the opportunity of meeting Elder Kent F. Richards of the Seventy. He taught us about the plain and precious truths of living by the Law of God, receiving and heeding the Spirit, and key principles of good leadership:
  1. Teach truth (law)
  2. Invite to live the truth (law)
  3. Minister
I quite enjoyed Elder Richard's visit and I was honored to be able to visit personally with Elder Richards and his wife. President Samuelian selected 5-10 people to be personally interviewed and I was blessed to be one of them. What a blessing that was. He helped me see some things about my future that I had not considered and helped me feel good about the things that I had considered thanks to President Samuelian's training he's been giving us on vision and true conversion. I am eternally grateful that President and Sister Samuelian have been preparing me so well for my life, whereas before I don't think I would've had the same direction after my mission. I know the Lord placed me here at this time, in this setting for a reason. And that reason only becomes more and more apparent as the days go by.

Elder Hatch and I studied about charity and virtue this morning and we learned that we as missionaries must have positive and uplifting thoughts regarding the members and leaders of the ward the same way we need to do so for our investigators and nonmembers. I know I could always have more of this and so I am "praying to be filled with this love," and I know that as I do we will be able to work together with the members so much more effectively. It's been astonishing to see how as the Lord hasten's His work, the members and missionaries gradually become more unified and diligent in their efforts.
It is unusual for me to think that were I not extending my mission, I would be returning home next Tuesday (Sept 4). I am grateful that I have extended, however, and am happy that I will have so much more time to serve the Lord and help hasten the work of salvation here in Oregon. It also gives me excitement and understanding of how I can continue to serve and become more converted after I return home. The vision the Lord has revealed to me is providing so many ways for me to become better and I know this extra time will help me throughout my life.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A great meeting and final plans

We were able to set up and attend a Bishopric Training meeting in our stake all centered around missionary work. President Samuelian came personally to train and work alongside our stake president to testify as a temporary missionary companionship. It was pretty neat. We as a zone of missionaries gathered and were invited to attend. We took about 2 hours to prepare a musical number (Hymn 270 "I'll Go Where you Want Me to Go") and then prayed to ask that our efforts would be consecrated by the Spirit. And it seemed to turn out well. I have attached a file of our performance if you would like to listen to it (the first verse is the Sisters, the second the Elders, and the third verse is all of the Bishops, Stake Presidency, Mission Presidency, and us as missionaries).  Here is the link to the song:  "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go," Forest Grove Zone & the Bishops.
I am loving it out here in Forest Grove. And I just found out - the travel arrangements are being planned and I am no longer going home September 3rd. I have prayed about it and talked with President Samuelian and I am extending my mission until October 14th. It is a rare opportunity that any missionary can extend their missions because the church only allows you to extend up to 30 days and 2 years from the original date that you arrive in the MTC (I arrived September 14th 2011, so the most I can extend is to October 14th). Usually extensions are denied by Salt Lake because it causes too much inconvenience in going home halfway between a transfer (a six week period in which we switch companions and go home) but because of the mission split and the MTC change, I was set back to go home initially on September 3. So long story short, I will not be coming home until October 14th at the very earliest.
I am learning tons about what I can do and accomplish in my life just by learning more how to receive revelation and visions for my life. I know that these next few months will only help me to increase that to give me a more sturdy spiritual foundation. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord for a total of 25 months as opposed to the usual 24.

I hope everyone takes advantage of the blessings and opportunities that come inherently and instantly from serving the Lord.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Examples of how the Lord provides

It struck me as something that would clearly state the need for vision in coordination with Proverbs 29:18 - "Where there is no vision, the people perish." It has never made more sense that we each have a need for a vision. Because of that realization, we've taken the time to work with individuals and families in our ward to create their own family and personal visions so that they too can experience the blessings that have spawned from the faith-filled experiences we've been having.
This also reminded me of the talk given by Elder Gary Stevenson in the April 2009 General Conference - Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples. I'll just share an excerpt of the talk here:
"I remember a warm, sunny afternoon when spring was trying to nudge its way through a long winter in Cache Valley, Utah. My father, whose Saturdays were always filled with chores for his grandsons, stopped by our home with an offer to “go for a ride.” Always happy to ride in Grandpa’s truck, our four- and six-year-old sons scurried into the back jump seat, and I joined my father in the front. Our drive took us through the streets of downtown Logan, which wrap around the Logan Temple, prominently situated on a hill, centered beautifully in the city. As we moved further away from the city, we turned from paved, busy streets to seldom-used dirt roads, where we crossed old bridges and weaved through trees far into the country. We were far from any other traffic and all alone.
Realizing his grandsons were in a place they had not been before, my father stopped the truck. “Do
you think we are lost?” he asked the wide-eyed boys as they gazed out the windshield across the valley. Followed by a moment of silent assessment came the profound reply of a young child. “Look,” he said, pointing his finger. “Grandpa, you are never lost when you can see the temple.” Our eyes turned, focusing with his, seeing the sun glistening off the spires of the Logan Temple, far across the valley.
You are never lost when you can see the temple. The temple will provide direction for you and your family in a world filled with chaos. It is an eternal guidepost which will help you from getting lost in the “mist of darkness.”1 "
Immediately following our district leader council, I took Elder Hales back to Dairy Creek while Elder Hatch remained in Tillamook with Elder Rock for an exchange. Elder Hales and I saw several awesome miracles during the day that we were together.

We were referred to a nonmember family, who has a foster daughter who was originally thought to be a recently converted member of the Church. Upon meeting the very kind and lovely nonmember mother, we discovered that the foster daughter was in fact unbaptized at this point. To our delight, the daughter expressed her knowledge that this Gospel is true and that she does indeed want to be baptized. What a lovely little miracle that was. She came to church yesterday with a member family and we hope to get to know the rest of the family so that they too, can experience the increased happiness and joy the gospel brings.
I know I can't share all the miracles that we witnessed this last week, but I will share but one more with you. Upon arriving back in Dairy Creek ward after zone conference on Wednesday, we went to dinner at a less-active family's home. One of the sons, had invited his nonmember girlfriend over to join us for the meal. We had a great conversation and were able to socialize in a friendly manner that allowed the girlfriend to become comfortable with us.
Following the meal, we asked if we could share a spiritual message before we left. We had not received any prior inspiration as to what we might share with the family, but given the circumstances, Elder Hatch was impressed to share 2 Nephi 32: 8-9:
"8 And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would know that ye must pray; for the devil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.
 9 But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul."
I was guided by the Holy Ghost to teach about prayer and its purpose. We asked Madison a few questions about her background and taught about the truth we are able to receive by asking God questions in prayer. We were enthused about the lesson resulting in the girlfriend agreeing to learn more by coming to the less-active family's home for lessons, but we weren't expecting what the mother informed us of afterwards through a conversation over text:
Earlier in the week she had been discussing with her son what prayer was and he seemed to be unsettled on the subject in general. But, we, not knowing beforehand what we should say, were inspired to teach about prayer, thus helping to bring peace to the son's mind on the subject. I was astonished and grateful that the Lord could use us as an instrument to bring about great things in the whole family that day (which happened to be my birthday - what a great gift).
Many might miracles are occurring. There is no doubt or fear that can stop us now.

Friday, August 9, 2013

A good and busy week

I know that with all the work and service and efforts that are happening by inspiration of the Spirit is providing a softening of all the hearts of the people in this stake and in our ward.

We also experienced great learning from the Mission Leadership Council we had this last Thursday, and a great district meeting by our awesome district leader on Friday.

Elder Hatch and I have been doing great. We both agree that this is our best companionship that we've ever had on our missions. We work so well together, we get along so well, we plan and teach well because of the Spirit, we serve willingly and have very little time to think of our own needs and desires, and ultimately we have not had to struggle much to create a Christ-like culture between us. We love one another and we have a blast just talking with one another all the time.

In all honesty, I've stated to him and now to you that I am planning on using our companionship and the success of the nature of it to plot and base what kind of eternal companionship and marriage I would like to have in the future. The simplicity and functionality of our friendship is a great example of lasting happiness, since I will always look to Elder Hatch as a friend and brother. Since Elder Hatch and I both had the same difficult companion right before he went home, it has also made me regret not establishing a better relationship and friendship with all my companions. I truly hope to be able to go home and call each one up as soon as they're all home, and be able to have great times on into eternity with them.

We had a great zone gathering today that took a great deal of planning and coordinating and turned out to be a whole lot of fun. We took a trip down to Pacific City to help each member in our zone capture the vision of building upon the Rock of Christ as we gazed out from the beach at the Cape Kiwanda rock symbolizing a sure foundation in Christ. We did a short training from the scriptures embellishing our hopes for a more Christ-like culture in ourselves as individuals and as a zone in unity.

We all brought packed lunches and ran around with kites and playing volleyball on the beach for a bit. Afterwards we drove over to Tillamook Cheese factory and had an awesome time. We really enjoyed it and hope that our zone was able to capture the vision, because as I've shared before: "Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs)"

Miracles are happening all around, my friends. I've seen them. There is no question about it - the Lord's vision changes everything.