On Monday, I got a hair cut from a
member and hung out with them for a bit. After having breakfast for dinner (my
favorite!) with some members, Elfer Bresnahan and I got to go out with Santa
Claus as his elfs and deliver presents to a few kids! It was so fun to watch
the kids faces and their reactions. After Santa dropped us back off at a
members, we ended our evening by playing some games with members. What a fun
Christmas Eve.
Christmas morning, Elder Baba and
Osgood came over to our apartment and opened some presents with us. Thanks everyone
for all the gifts and letters and prayers that have been sent my way! After
playing with our new deck of Phase 12 cards and listening to some of our new
music, we rode through the rain over to a member's house who had our whole
district over for breakfast. It was so yummy! They're awesome! Christmas
wouldn't be the same without the members. They spoil us. I'm grateful.
After dropping by the Taylors and
calling you guys, we rode through some more rain and stopped by our
investigator family to hang out for a few hours. We played a couple games of
Uno Speed and Catch phrase. It was cool to just be able to hang out and become
better friends with them. We came back later in the evening and played some
more games with them just before heading home too.
For dinner that night we went over to
our reactivated less actives and had prime rib, yorkshire pudding, mashed
taters, and string beans. Yumo! When we first arrived at their house we chatted
for a bit, they went into prepare the food some more and I was so tuckered out
by that time that I just drifted off into sleepy land for a bit. Haha. It was a
long fun day!
This morning we had a great district
meeting and afterwards I was able to interview yet another candidate for
baptism in our district! I'm absolutely loving being able to be apart of so
many baptisms even though we haven't been able to have our own (yet!). It's
been such a blessing and it makes me want to be better and better -- after all
I am constantly teaching and asking people to change their lives for the
better, so I ought to be doing so myself everyday. The Gospel has helped me do
that so well. That's the greatest gift I think I've been given ever - the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's also the one I've most enjoyed giving.
I hope everyone's had a great holiday
season! Even though it's wrapping up with New Years this next week, I pray that
we will all remember to keep the Spirit of Christ with us. Just like we come to
Church every week to partake of the Sacrament and remember Christ then,
Christmas is a yearly thing that we do to remember Him. So let's not let it be
put to waste by going back to our old ways. New Years Day is a great way to
wrap up the holidays by helping us remember what we've been blessed with, what
we need to do, and then to set the goals and get to it! I know I need to do so.
I love you all. Keep a very merry Christmas in your heart.
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