Saturday, December 15, 2012

A productive and happy week for the "Elfers"

Last P-day the Vances took us shopping at Winco for groceries and afterwards, Sister Vance and I made the yummiest chocolate candies - all it takes is Oreos, cream cheese, and chocolate chips. I had fun baking with her. She's so sweet.
On Tuesday, I couldn't take it any more and punched Elder Bresnahan's light's out! Haha. No, not really. But we did take him to the dentist to get some work done and he had one of his front teeth removed to be replaced temporarily by a flipper tooth on a retainer. He has taken a liking to popping his tooth in and out while we're talking to people and freaking them out. Now he really does have the right to say that all he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth. Lol. We came back after Elder Bresnahan's surgery was done and hit the streets to tract.
In the evening, I was able to have another meeting as District Leader with the Zone Leaders and the Stake President. The Stake President is super enthused about missionary work and he is only making our job easier. It's such a blessing to be able to counsel with him and see what we can do more to help him.
On Wednesday, I had yet another opportunity to give a baptismal interview - my second one in the last week, and from what my Elders have told me, the district will give me many more opportunities for such a blessing in the near future. Even if Elder Bresnahan and I can't personally have a white Christmas, the month of December has already proven to be blessing us with a 'surrounding blizzard' of baptisms.  This interview, I was much more calm and it felt as though I had been doing it for years. Surely, this was attributed to the Spirit of the Lord and not simply my own abilities or capacities. The candidate I was interviewing was extremely prepared and I felt God whisper to me that he was ready. What a wonderful thing.
On Thursday, we couldn't wait until our appointment that evening with our new family we're teaching. Our anticipation wasn't disappointed. When we arrived at the family's apartment, we were a little uneasy in wondering if they had forgotten or scheduled a party instead of our appointment because they had several other people over and they were watching the football game. The visitors explained that they were just there for dinner and that they were planning on heading out as soon as we got there. We offered them to stay if they wanted and .. they did for the whole lesson! It turns out the visitors were the sister and kids of our family they too were a part-member family.  After the prayer when we were getting up to leave, the sister started asking us questions about baptism and coming to our ward because that's where their family goes and we gladly answered in the affirmative! We were so excited. I always feel like I'm walking on sunshine when I leave that family's house.
Friday we had Zone Conference, Christmas Edition. It was really neat learning about how we can teach people the principle of repentance as a process rather than a one-time thing. It was fun, as usual, to hook up with the missionaries I know and we had a fun talent show and devotional with the local area Seventy, Elder Hanson to complete the day.
That evening we traveled back through tons of traffic and made it right on time to our Ward's Christmas party. There was a ton of people there and we had really great food. Everyone kept telling us that we needed to eat more cause there was stuff left. Haha. President and Sister Morby came and we introduced them to several of the members there. Then the next morning, the stake president and his wife had us over as a district for breakfast. They are so great to us. I feel spoiled.
After church yesterday, I made three pans of brownies during lunch and then we delivered them to people around the ward while caroling with the Ward Missionaries. It was super fun.
I hope everyone has a great week and you all give to many around you.

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