In the evening, I was able to have
another meeting as District Leader with the Zone Leaders and the Stake
President. The Stake President is super enthused about missionary work and he
is only making our job easier. It's such a blessing to be able to counsel with
him and see what we can do more to help him.
On Wednesday, I had yet another
opportunity to give a baptismal interview - my second one in the last week, and
from what my Elders have told me, the district will give me many more
opportunities for such a blessing in the near future. Even if Elder Bresnahan
and I can't personally have a white Christmas, the month of December has
already proven to be blessing us with a 'surrounding blizzard' of baptisms. This interview, I was much more calm and it
felt as though I had been doing it for years. Surely, this was attributed to
the Spirit of the Lord and not simply my own abilities or capacities. The
candidate I was interviewing was extremely prepared and I felt God whisper to
me that he was ready. What a wonderful thing.
Friday we had Zone Conference,
Christmas Edition. It was really neat learning about how we can teach people
the principle of repentance as a process rather than a one-time thing. It was
fun, as usual, to hook up with the missionaries I know and we had a fun talent
show and devotional with the local area Seventy, Elder Hanson to complete the
That evening we traveled back through
tons of traffic and made it right on time to our Ward's Christmas party. There
was a ton of people there and we had really great food. Everyone kept telling
us that we needed to eat more cause there was stuff left. Haha. President and
Sister Morby came and we introduced them to several of the members there. Then
the next morning, the stake president and his wife had us over as a district
for breakfast. They are so great to us. I feel spoiled.
After church yesterday, I made three
pans of brownies during lunch and then we delivered them to people around the
ward while caroling with the Ward Missionaries. It was super fun.
I hope everyone has a great week and you all
give to many around you.
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