Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Off to a new adventure. . .

This last week was the climax of this area. Elder Bresnahan and I had a couple really good lessons and tracted our hearts out. It turns out that it was a great way to go out with a bang. Unfortunately I don't have the time to go into great detail this week due to time constraints, but it sufficeth me to say that I have moved.
Yesterday was transfers, so I went to both Sunset Hills and Oak Hills Wards for church one last time to say adieus to everyone. Transfers are bitter-sweet changes. I'm excited for and was expecting the change, but I am missing the people already.
Elder Bresnahan and Elder Osgood took over both wards again, and Elder Baba and I got sent to different car areas. I am now with my 27 year old, awesome companion, Elder Jan-David T Wohlleben (pronounced: vwoul-ay-ben) who's from near Frankfurt, Germany.  I'm super excited to be with him.  He seems awesome already and has been doing a lot of work here.  I am not working in the Forests Grove 1st and Council Creek Wards in Cornelius, Oregon.  Check out the new address.

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