Monday, December 24, 2012

'T was the week before Christmas. . .

Last P-day we went downtown Portland again because Elder Bresnahan and another Elder in the district hadn't been there yet. Voo Doo doughnuts is the same old same old and there's still plenty of weird, crazy people down there. Haha. It's always fun traveling the max with a few other missionaries though. Since it was more missionaries this time there seemed to be less crazy people coming up to us and yelling at us... less, but there was still some. lol.

After dinner that evening we had an appointment cancel, so we decided to go tracting. I twisted Elder Bresnahan's arm enough so that he and I ended up singing duets of Christmas Carols when we came to each door. People were far less irritated and even though everyone still said "I'm not interested" in the end, it felt more satisfying to deliver the Spirit of Christ without them having as much of a patronizing idea about us.

Tuesday I joined Elder Baba in his area (my old area), Sunset Hills, for an exchange while Elder Bresnahan split with the other Elder in Oak Hills. Oddly enough, Elder Baba and I both agreed that it felt like nothing had changed since we were companions and it felt like just another day. Haha. It was good to see a few members in the area that I haven't seen in a while, in addition to going to the Portland Temple Visitor Center in the evening with a former investigator of mine. 

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