Monday, September 30, 2013

This last week was a blur

Last p-day, we hung out and played a couple games of bowling with our investigator who is soon not to be our investigator... for a good reason, too: He's getting baptized on Saturday 12 October at 11am in the Grand Prairie YSA ward! WOOH! The last Saturday before I go home, I will be able to witness one more person enter into a covenant with God and be endowed with the Holy Ghost. What a blessing and miracles. Surely there is no better way to end full-time service of the Lord.
Wednesday also brought extra blessings - I was on exchanges down in Lebanon with an Elder from Snow Peak ward. First off, before I talk about the blessings - here's a little about what I had to go through in order to receive those blessings:
Their apartment was freezing and small. Their shower even got the infamous name in the mission, "Shower of Humility" because it was so small - the roof was angled in on it, forcing you to crouch down and use the shower hose to rinse off your body. I ended up getting to tired of hunching after a minute or two and ended up just sitting down. It definitely earned it's name. Haha. It was a fun experience.
Then came the blessings - we met up with one of their investigators who hardly spoke any english and had a thick spanish accent. We taught her a brief lesson on her porch (for who knows why cause it was chilly outside!), and then I interviewed her for baptism. Although I had to strain to hear what she was saying, I felt the Spirit testify that she was ready to make her first covenant with God. It was a sweet experience.
Thursday our blessings increased ten fold as we went to the Portland Temple for an endowment session. It was an amazing new experience even though I have been so many times before. I felt God's love in the things I learned and was taught by the Spirit. I am so grateful for the temple and I hope I can meet each of you there, one day.
Yesterday, Sunday, I bore my testimony for the first and last times in the Oak Creek Ward and Grand Prairie YSA Branch. I didn't let on that I would be leaving anytime soon, but said that I hoped that someday I can stand before God and say as Paul did:
"6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
 7 I have fought a good afight, I have bfinished my course, I have kept the faith"
I have loved my mission and as it draws to a close, I have been reflecting on all the blessings I have received over the course of my mission. No pages of any book can contain what miracles I have seen and the blessings I have been given. It will in no doubt bless me and my family for the rest of eternity. After all, that's what the family was created for - eternity.

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