This last week, I've seen many
miracles in the work, let alone my own life. Earlier in the week I wanted to
become even more dedicated as a missionary to the focus and rules of the
mission. As my companion and I stretched the limits of obedience (since we were
already obedient in action) by being further obedient in heart and mind, we
immediately saw the blessings unfold. As many hours of possible work in the day
we had -- that many hours of work were recorded. If one were to look at
the math, they would discover that missionaries should be out working at the very least 40 hours, yet
not many times are they recorded as such (due in part to cancelled appointments
and people's agency). However, I know that as Elder Rees and I put our faith in
being exactly obedient as Helaman's stripling warriors were, we saw the windows
of heaven open upon us. It being the beginning of the new transfer allowed me
to start afresh and new as though I were resurrected a new body of thought. Go
I happened across seeing my old
companion and his parents when we went to visit one of our investigators this
last Wednesday. Although it was just Monday that he was "transferred into
his parent's hands," it feels like an eternity since he was here. It's
weird how mission time works in our heads.
On Saturday, we went and helped
a member out on his farm since he has been having back problems and his helpers
were sick. It was a fun time and I learned a lot about the Atonement in
symbolism that day. We helped him put up some wire fence dividers for the cows
to roam around in. This required pulling large wooden posts in and out of the
ground to reposition the fence line. As I lifted one of the fence posts onto my
right shoulder, the farmer member's wife pointed out that she had been reading Jesus the Christ lately and asked
me if I had ever wondered how heavy Christ's cross must have been. I hadn't
really in a physical sense, but as I lifted those posts I realized that on top
of the rest of the suffering Christ had on His shoulders, He carried the weight
of a cross probably comparable in weight to the one I was. While I was sweating
under the heat of the sun and after a few measly hours of work, I can't imagine
trying to lift such a weight after the extremity of pain and exhaustion Jesus
went through. It gave me a great understanding and appreciation for His life
and death.
Many people we've been talking
to bring up Easter and it's interesting to find out from them that they
celebrate Easter in light of His death as the focus. I am grateful that we have
revelation and guidance in our day to acknowledge and recognize the gravity and
importance of focusing on His renewed life and rebirth that He experienced in
the Resurrection.
I was led to ponder it more on
Easter Sunday yesterday as most of the programs in Sacrament Meeting and Sunday
School and Priesthood Meeting were centered on the Resurrection. I cherished to
opportunity to be able to sing in the Ward Choir an Easter Medley that heralded
a combination of a few hymns - "He is Risen" "Christ the Lord is
Risen today" and I think one more. One man sang beautifully, "The
Holy City." For Easter dinner, one of our favorite member families had us
over for a themed dinner with lamb and unleavened bread and bitter herbs and
such. It was neat. Having Christ be the center of this holiday provides much
food for thought for the season. However, I feel like this has just been an
increased center for my mission. I am grateful to be serving Him and learning
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