Monday, March 18, 2013

Two special days

On Wednesday, I went on exchange with Elder Hatch, who replaced me as Elder Wohlleben's companion in Council Creek Ward. Elder Hatch and I came on the same plane out to Oregon together and until now, I hadn't really gotten to know him. We had a fun day and it was gorgeous weather. The only downfall is that we are still required to wear jackets during the winter season until April Conference, so we cooked a little bit in our black jackets. All the while, we walked and talked and biked and had a grand old time. It was like I had never left the area, though, I did see many new locations that I hadn't ventured with Elder Wohlleben.
On Thursday, I celebrated my 18th Anniversary since coming into the mission field - or in other words, I've now completed my "Sister's Mission." And what better way to celebrate such a checkpoint than by doing missionary work! Yay! Haha So to put it simply, I did the same old same old thang that I would normally do on Thursdays. I'm amazed at how quickly time has passed and am enjoying my mission like none other. I am slacking on producing a 6 month interval video interview, but I will send it home soon hopefully. Haha.

That evening, we took a trip to the Temple Visitor's Center and gave our recent convert a tour of the temple. We started with a cool video that illustrates hard work, diligence, and obedience to the Lord's calls he gives to men. The video can be viewed on the Doctrine & Covenants Church History DVD and is called "Only A Stonecutter."

Saturday I was pleased to be able to return and attend a baptism for an investigator who I tracted into last August on my birthday with Elder Baba! Elder Bresnahan and Elder Osgood took over where Elder Baba and I left off and I was happy to hear from my first greenie delivering such information. It was cool to see Elder Baba baptize this woman as I acted as a witness. Words can't describe the joy I feel from such events.

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