Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A great week

This last week we've beasted the work! Elder Rees and I are just stoked to be working together and since we've become companions the work has only gone up and up. There have been set backs but it's our attitude that's keeping us moving along. We've put a lot of emphasis on guided tracting, working with the youth, and teaching 20 lessons a week (active members, less-active members, and nonmembers included).

We took six boys out to go tracting with us on splits on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. It was neat to be able to talk with them about their future and realize that it used to be my future not too long ago. Revisiting such paths in a new perspective has opened my eyes to wonderful learning experiences. I love seeing the Atonement working in these young men.

With one young man I was able to go tracting with, we had many friendly doors open to us. The young man's mother was at first concerned when I told his parents that we would be taking him out to go knocking on doors. She explained that the young man has some degree of high functioning autism and has episodes occasionally and didn't want someone to misunderstand us as we went out to talk to people about the Gospel. I reassured her that he would come with me and that I would take care of him.

The opposite happened, it seemed. He took care of me. As we started talking with several friendly and conversational people, I merely helped him along by starting our introductions (i.e.: "We're from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm Elder Irvine and this is... . We're sharing with others how our families have come closer to God and Christ through His Restored Gospel...") and I left parts of the conversation of to him -- from that, miracles happened. With one especially winded and intellectual man we spoke with, I turned to the Priest and asked him what it meant to him to come to church with his family.

His response was exhilarating for me as a missionary. Inspiring, to say the least. "I come to church because of the feelings I have in my heart when I do come. Those good, warm feelings are the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is God's Spirit He sends to us to teach us truth. That's how I know I'm doing the right thing."

It was a simple perfect answer. I loved it. I even shared the experience with the ward yesterday during fast and testimony meeting. The mother was in tears of gratitude and joy when I explained to her afterwards that it was her son. What a beautiful representation of the Atonement's influence working with our weaknesses as human beings and changing us into something extraordinary.

We went about to each of the ward members and shared about the blessings of the Atonement and how through the Restoration we have those most important things. My testimony has expanded as the members share their testimonies with us and when I stop and allow Elder Rees to share his thoughts and testimony even though he's a little hesitant to speak at the moment. I don't think he enjoys me staring at him silently in the middle of door step approaches and lessons until he starts to speak, but I know it will help him in the long run. Training him is really cool and I am loving the learning and growth that is visible and apparent in each of us day by day.

Of all the wonderful things that have happened this week, I would be leaving you out in the rain if I didn't mention one last special detail of our week -- Our investigator we've worked with since I've been here is getting baptized this Saturday March 9th! President Morby came to interview her this last week and despite the initial complications of the event itself, our investigator is ready. I am thrilled and Elder Rees is like a kid in a candy shop.

Many more miracles have been happening but, alas, I have not the time to share them with you. I pray that you will all have a fantabulous week. Is strengthening your relationship with God and Jesus Christ "the desires of (your) heart?"

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