Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A great big little change

Saturday we had the wonderful opportunity to spend the morning at the temple for a second time in two weeks after being invited to a sealing of someone in Elder Baba's last area. It was so special to be able to go through with these people Elder Baba had worked with even though I didn't even know them. The sealing was great and we had the blessing of sitting right in the middle of the sealing room where one could look "into eternity" because of the mirrors facing one another over the altar. After the couple was sealed themselves, their two little boys ran into hug and greet them in little white clothes and bow ties. Although the littlest one couldn't sit still or stay quiet much, it was neat to see them kneel over the altar as a family and be sealed together for eternity. That is what this is all about.
After leaving the temple, I got a call from the Mission President with an request to take on an assignment to train a brand new missionary. I was humbled and ecstatic. What a blessing and opportunity! Certainly it is going to be a big burden, but it's one I feel the Lord has prepared me for. At the very least, I know that He will not give me anything I cannot bear.
Later that day we got more news - more surprising than the first - that Elder Baba was moving to a bike area and that I am now only to serve over Oak Hills Ward and that Sunset Hills would be given to a new set of missionaries. For the next few days we pondered whether Elder Baba would be one of those missionaries called to serve over Sunset Hills exclusively. The few days between Transfer Calls and the Transfer Meeting, is really quite nerve-racking and a big guessing game because anything can happen. Thankfully, Elder Baba is now serving in Sunset Hills with his new companion Elder Osgood. This will make it an easier transition for the Ward because Elder Baba has a knowledge and background with the area and the members already.
I on the other hand went to the Stake Center well before transfer meeting started yesterday so that I could split off from Elder Baba and be trained by President Morby on how to be a good trainer in only 2-3 hours. Wow. Not much time, but just enough for him to convey how important he sees this assignment is. Usually the APs call us to train, but this time he personally called each of us so as to manifest the magnitude of the opportunity we have. 23 new missionaries flew in on the plane yesterday, creating 4 new areas and adding 8 additional missionaries to our overall mission count (after deducting the departing missionaries).
Check their badges. . .they're in disguise for Halloween.
I am training Elder David Mark Bresnahan for the next 12 weeks in Oak Hills Ward. He is originally from New Hampshire, but has lived in West Jordan for the past few years. I'm super excited and have already begun to feel the gifts of the Spirit guide me to say and do certain things to help this new missionary be the missionary he needs to be, along with my own spiritual growth. The training program is designed to have him read to train another new missionary by the time I leave him. Pretty spectacular feat but it's already happened with a few other greenies.
Anyways. I got to jet. I love you all and hope you all are doing fantastic. It's new beginnings once again and oddly I still feel like a greenie myself. It was only yesterday that I stepped off the plan, after all, right?

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