Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Unto every creature. . .a conference testimony

I loved all of the Conference sessions. I know it's a cliche statement to suggest that all of the talks spoke directly to me, but they did. Really. President Monson's announcement left me being "exceedingly astonished." My first thoughts jumped right to my little brothers. Taylor, it surprised me to think that you may be able to leave only months after I get home. What a bitter sweet thought.

Elder Oaks amazed me at his bold and forthright talk on the current issues and policies that may be confusing for people without explicitly suggesting politics. Elder Holland was obviously a favorite. His talk was very similar to a MTC talk he gave in Jan 2011 that I've heard before and I loved it the second time through. Although many others edified me I cannot remember them at the moment, and I 'm short on time today.

I will mention the miracle that happened during Priesthood Session, however. President Morby ended up taking us to the Stake Center to watch with him. What a once in a life time blessing. I was truly grateful. We sat next to the Assistants to the President smack dab in the middle of the chapel, which was eventually filled to the brim clear back to the end of the Cultural Hall. Like many of the other sessions we watched, here in Oregon we experienced many technical difficulties while watching and often were forced to wait while the screen flittered and went blank. Unfortunately the entire first 30 minutes of the Priesthood session was blank due to a solar flare that affected the entire Northwest.

For the first few minutes we all just sat and talked among one another. Then Elder Peterson, one of the AP's, turned to Elder Baba and I and suggested we start singing. What a stellar idea! But the question is, who will start? Ha ha. The two AP's and us started singing "Ye Elders of Israel" and the Spirit of God permeated the room instantly. Hardly seconds went by before the whole body of Priesthood members - Former Mission Presidents, Bishops, Stake Presidents, and Temple Presidents, etc. - were harmonizing and singing the beloved Hymns of God. What a special experience. When the Conference Feed finally started the Spirit was ripe for our learning.

After the session, President Morby took us out to eat at a local Quiznos with the AP's and we had a grand old time. Many more things happened that I would love to tell you about, but for lack of time I digress. It suffices me to say, I love being a missionary and I love you.

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