Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A leadership training reunion

On Halloween, we had district meeting as usual.  To celebrate the holiday, we went to a popular Mexican restaurant among the missionaries here, Ochas  We all split the house specials - torta dela casa.  It was basically a funny looking sandwich with almost every kind of meat loaded on it - some meat I didn't even recognize!  It was fun to be with family on a holiday.  
After we got back from lunch, we had a lesson and dinner sandwich.  We started with the top bun - a lesson with a less active family who we are reactivating, a dinner with a beloved Tongan family, a short time with the Padburys, short visit at the Smith's Halloween party, another dinner with the Coombs, and a lesson with some less actives we are working with.   Our afternoon and evenings seem to fly by because we had booked our night back to back with appointments upon learning that Pres. Morby didn't want us out trick or treating, knocking on doors or biking around.  Somewhere along the line, however, I seem to have lost my voice.
Since then, my voice and throat have only gone downhill. Nevertheless, I was determined to work as hard as my body would take. I had plenty of opportunities to just throw in the towel and take a sick day or two, but I felt that Heavenly Father would bless me as I showed him I would do my very best. I also knew that He wouldn't bless me against my own stupidity, however. Haha. So Saturday night I did come in a bit early and get a few hours of added rest.
My friends from the Clackamas Zone
Elder Stuart and his companion from Woodburn.
On Thursday, I got picked up by my old district leader, Elder Larson, and we went to a district leadership training meeting together, while our greenies stayed in my area and worked. Amidst all the great things I learned about becoming a better district leader, I was almost in tears of joy from seeing so many beloved missionaries I know - now like me, were district leaders. Among these missionaries were - Elder Puleitu, Elder Dixon, Elder Harris & Elder Peterson (who are currently Assistants to the President), Elder Stuart my old comp, and my best friend and companion since before my mission began, Elder Baxter!
Sunday, we got picked up by the Mission President and his wife and went to a Regional Stake Conference that was broadcast throughout 36 stakes in Oregon. Elder Maynes spoke on the importance of remembering our covenants and promises with the Lord, Sister Dibb spoke on discerning the real things in life versus the false things that Satan produces as hindrance, and Elder Ochoa and Elder Cook both spoke on missionary work regarding the recent prophetic announcement. I never even noticed that there was such a thing as Regional Stake Conferences before..? They're super cool. Like mini General Conferences just specifically given.

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