Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A new companion and a new area

On Saturday, we found out that Elder Pelham is training a greenie and I was leaving to a bike area. I was pretty nervous, though this transfer was much less ulcer-inducing than other ones I've been in. I loved working with Elder Pelham and we did work hard for those six weeks together. I was happy to get pictures with lots of the members and people I've been working with in Moreland, and the Ward seemed happy with the work we had done while I was there. So that's good. I love them a lot and it is hard leaving them. I'm excited to go back for the few baptisms that we managed to set up before I left, so here in a few weeks I should be going back to see some of them again.

I went from South East Portland to North West Portland. I am in the Cedar Mills Zone, Five Oaks District - Oak Hills & Sunset Hills Wards with Elder Brayden Ball. It's the first time I've ever served over two wards and honestly it's a bit overwhelming. I am praying super hard so that I can acclimate well to both of the wards equally. It's a very humbling experience to get up and move to a completely foreign place with no one I know (except for one or two others in my District). I know it's right for me and it will help me grow, however. I feel like I've been prepared by the Lord to come here, so all you hills, here I come! So far of what I've seen of the area, and as the name implies, it is very hilly. It's mostly suburbs and big roads interconnecting them. Our apartment is pretty big and pretty nice compared to my previous apartments. Best of all, the Mission President is in our Ward! Unfortunately he's "less-active." Ha ha. No, just kidding. But he does move around the mission a lot, so I don't think we'll see him that much.

I'm super excited and ready to work. Pray that I can become acclimated quickly so I can help the people here! Love you all!

Elder Brayden Ball & Elder Irvine, new companions, and Elder Peterson & his new companion, Elder Pelham.

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