Monday, May 14, 2012

Enjoying the Spring work

Our weekly planning took great force into what we did this week. We were able to have contact with our investigators almost every other day and we went over and read with the one. We feel like if we can get him to read and pray and come to church consistently for a month, that there will be no question that he should be baptized on June 9th. Our younger investigator is so strong and prepared to be baptized on June 16th and we went with her and a member family to the Temple Visitor's Center on Saturday.

Elder Pelham and I get along well and we are continuing to work hard. He helps me to focus on the work and is a great companion and district leader. He's very obedient and persistent in our exactness in the word. I'm glad to have him here to strengthen and reinforce me.
We had a less active woman, who's not been to church since she was in her 20s (now in her 50s/60s) come to church yesterday! It was very exciting and I was happy to see her come after we've been working with her for a little over six weeks now.
Calling home was good. Not distracting in the slightest thankfully. I enjoyed talking to and hearing my younger brothers who are quickly growing up. It was nice to talk to my parents as well with my renewed respect and love I've gained for them since coming out. I love you guys!
I'm studying the Christ and His Atonement and gaining strengths here and there. I know Jesus Christ is my Redeemer and is helping me along my way. I love Him and am cleaving towards Him for a renewed strength in all aspects of my testimony of His Gospel.
 The pictures show Elder Irvine with some members and an investigator (above) and Elder Irvine and Elder Pelham who helped a gentleman out who gave them a contribution to the church (below).

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