Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Staying in Portland with a new companion

Saturday evening we were excited to get the phone call relaying the Transfer information. Elder Baxter went to a car area in Hillsboro Zone, and I am staying in Moreland, same apartment. We were actually surprised because by the time we got the call both of us had already mentally accepted that there would be no change at all. Elder Baxter luckily had informed the Ward and talked to the members throughout the week, so he seemed to leave with a good note. A sister made him a pretty cool quilt with the Oregon Portland Mission Logo on it with all the Ward's signatures written all over it. Our ward loves him, so he will be missed. I think they will like my new companion, however.
Yesterday we went to transfer meeting with the District Leader and a member of their ward. Thankfully the anxiety was far less strenuous to deal with this transfer, but I did lament on leaving Elder Baxter the second time much more than the first. He's been a great companion and an even better friend. I love him and I pray that he's doing well in his new area. I am now with Elder Steven Pelham (originally from Provo, UT) who came from Hillsboro (Elder Baxter and him seemed to flip flop zones) as a Zone Leader. I was relieved to find out that rather than me being the District Leader of our District -- it seemed almost likely that I would be this transfer -- my new companion, Elder Pelham is District Leader. I reminisced on my experiences with Elder Mickelson when I was with him and realized that I am now DLC (District Leader's Companion) again. I quite enjoy being DLC and I'm sure I'm going to have a great time with Elder Pelham.

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