Wednesday, April 25, 2012

News from Portland and a possible change

We had a lot of meetings and service projects to go to this week and so there were many opportunities to learn and grow, naturally. District Meeting on Tuesday helped us to find more initiative in our goal setting and we were encouraged to set higher goals and have more faith to find. Elder Baxter and I have only one investigator and a few less actives to teach, so we are really striving to exercise our faith in whatever we can do to enhance our teaching and finding experiences.
The following day we went to Zone Conference back in my "home crib" at the Woodburn church building. I was so excited to be back in my first area for the first time in a few months. I was able to meet up with some missionaries, as well as the Relief Society Presidency from North Marion Ward. It was wonderful to see their smiling faces in recognition of someone familiar. I was overwhelmed with emotion as I greeted and thanked them for once again providing food for us missionaries. They are wonderful and I miss them.
The meeting was also very enlightening. President Morby called us to repentance (if needed) in having companionship study every morning ("why wouldn't we??" was my thoughts. Ha ha), having the faith to find by using the Area Book containing the records for the people we have worked with and talking with (not to or at) everyone. We were invited to commit to offering a vocal prayer at least once a day in the morning before we start our studies. Elder Baxter and I have made it a habit for a couple of months now, to pray vocally before bed anyways, but now we are blessed even more in conversing out loud privately in the earlier hours of our day as well. I appreciate this time and I encourage and invite you all to strive to pray out loud at least once a day outside of your other personal and public prayers.  It works wonders for focus and inspiration.
* * *
Thank you for the letters I received this week! Just by way of reminder - another six weeks has come and gone and this next week is the last week of the transfer. We'll find out this Saturday whether anything is changing or not, but I would ask if everyone could hold off on sending me any mail directly to my apartment address until next week when I confirm it. Thanks.
I love all of you. I hope everyone is doing well. I pray for your well-being daily and am grateful for all the blessings I receive on behalf of your sacrifices and prayers.

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