Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Special moments & guardian angels

This week we saw the blessings of tracting and being in the right place at the right time. A man drove past us and called us to him. He invited us over to his house and related a confession of how he was actually on his way to buy some alcohol, but was prompted otherwise at the sight of us walking through Sellwood. He asked us to give him a blessing and told us how grateful he is and how much he loves us and the preceding missionaries that he's met in his past.

We also had the opportunity to serve some people as they moved into new residences in care facilities. Both were very grateful and eager to show their appreciation by providing us with food for lunch and continually thanking us. It was interesting to me to note the persistence in the woman we were helping, as she continually sought to know and accommodate our comfort, despite our presence there to give her aid, "by this ye shall know my disciples."

We are ever in debt and gratitude to the members of our ward, who provide blessings through meals and constant camaraderie as we go through our daily activities. Even members who we don't know never cease to approach us with hopes of paying for our lunch or groceries, quite often. I can't help but appreciate and acknowledge the awe-inspiring evidence of Heavenly Father's love through His children.

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