Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Shoulder to the wheel. . .literally!

Wednesday we had a Zone Training which turned out really well. Elder Baxter had to go in for a checkup with the Doctors during that time, so a member took him and I went with some other missionaries in my district. It was one of the few times I actually felt lonely for my companion. Elder Baxter's just that awesome and it was funny cause the training was about companion unity. Haha. I bore my testimony at the close of the meeting about how Elder Baxter has helped me learn so much about the subject.
We had a blitz with Milwaukie Elders after the meeting and lunch. One of the Elders got a popped tire and I remember writing in my journal that day saying how grateful I was for my Dad providing me with such a great bike that has yet to have any major problems... Apparently God caught that little comment and didn't want me turning into a Rameumtum-ite, so on Saturday my rear back tire gave way on our ride to our dinner appointment. Haha.
A member in the ward had cheered me up real well just before the occurrence, so I was able to have a merry heart while I carried my bike on my shoulders (literally putting my shoulders to the wheel) a couple blocks to the members house. I bore my testimony of having an optimistic view of things in fast and testimony meeting yesterday, explaining how great the members are at helping us - and they are!

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