Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Transferred & tripled up

Yesterday, I was transferred with my new companions -- and no, that wasn't a typo -- to the next area over in Dairy Creek & Vernonia Wards. I now have two, count 'em, two companions. And I'm still in the same stake that I was in before. Haha. It's great. While some missionaries would be disappointed for such a small move, I'm thrilled. I get to be near the same people I love, thereby, making it easier for me to hear about their progression in the gospel. My new companions are my former (now fellow) zone leader, Elder Brian Clayton from Parker, Colorado, and Elder Robert Harding from Mesa, Arizona. We are a zone leader tri-panionship just like the ancients were - Peter, James, and John! Haha.

It is certainly an unexpected change on account of me becoming a zone leader, as well, as us being in a trio. I've heard of cases where other missionaries are given a 'special assignment' to be with zone leaders in a trio, but until now, it's been pretty much unheard of to have three zone leaders put together. We have to keep explaining to everyone that none of us are problem missionaries. Haha.

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