Tuesday, December 13, 2011

From Elder Irvine's letter, 12 December 2011

We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders (ZLs) on Tuesday. It was awesome! I found yet another missionary I like working with, and we had lots of revelatory and spiritual experiences while out. We were stacked that day with lessons and they were GOOD ones too! We had one that I particularly enjoyed - it was with a less active family who for mixed reasons fell away from the church at some point and just haven't been back (1 of them) because of embarrasment and (2) because he never really had a stable testimony of the gospel. As we taught them about the Restoration, I know that they felt the Spirit. At one point in the lesson the woman told about how she knew that the church was true she just felt that after her divorce and "falling away" with her tatoos and inactivity she couldn't show her face in church because of the judgemental members. She was in tears and had me on the verge of tears - the spirit was SO strong. I bore testimony to them and promised them that if they would read the Book of Mormon every day and pray every day about it, that they would be comforted and blessed in their personal needs - for her that she would overcome the feelings of embarrassment and for him that he would know that it's true. I loved it.

Among other cool spiritual experiences, we came in contact with a member who's fiance Elder Mickelson had been teaching a while back. They were all ready for baptism for the longest time, but they needed to do some things before she could be baptized. And while we were just being obedient and diligent in the work, here they come this past week ready to go through the lessons again and be baptized. They were married civily on Saturday (12/10) and this next Saturday (12/17) she is being baptized before they move up to Vancouver! It's truly a Christmas miracle.

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