Saturday, September 10, 2011

'The Last Super' Weekend!

Saturday, September 10:
Missionary Open House
I'm holding a open house for people to come visit, socialize, and eat desserts with me before I leave. I've tried to invite everyone so I can see them all, seeing how as there won't be much time to do that during my mission address in Sacrament Meeting. There will be LOTS of pictures.
Sunday, September 11:
Missionary Address
I haven't been given an assigned topic from my bishopric, so I'm working on putting my message together right now. Overall topic to be determined.
Family Luncheon
After Sacrament Meeting, we're having a family luncheon over at my house. We're having sandwiches, chips, fruit, veggies, salad, baked beans, and probably more of all the left over dessert (my grandma and I are making tons and tons of cookies and brownies for Saturday night!). More time for pictures!! Yeah!

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