Thursday, September 1, 2011

Last Minute Preparations

Jeez! It literally feels like last minute preparations cause time is growing rapidly sparse. I am currently doing as much as possible to prepare. These past few weeks I've been going to Brother Warren Miller's Missionary Preparation class at the SLCC Institute Monday through Thursday from 12-12:50pm. I've been going to the temple as often as I can. We even went as a mission prep class group to the Manti Temple a few weeks ago. That's where I met Matt Baxter - a possible future companion.

He's going to the same mission as me and he's even leaving the exact same date for the MTC! We've gotten to know each other a little more as we've gone to through a few sessions together and we both hope that we are in the same district in the MTC. Aside from that, I've made it a goal to finish studying and reading through Preach My Gospel by the time I leave for the MTC. So far I haven't gotten too far, but I think I can do it.

Overall I'm getting more and more nervous as the days fly by. Although I have everything acquired and pretty much packed the pressure's building exponentially. I can't help but feeling stressed that I'm going to forget to pack something or forget to do something before I leave. The anxiety is also weighing on my friends and family who all want to get enough time to spend with me. I'm praying daily for strength and courage to leave the ones I love here, in order to go serve the ones I will grow to love in Oregon.

1 comment:

  1. Guess what...Zach found that even if he did forget something, you can either get it at the MTC or, even in Mexico, there is a Wal-Mart or something similar close by. So you should be okay in Oregon. You will be an amazing missionary!
