Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A good and varied week

Did I mention that last Friday I went to prison? Haha. It was quite a fun time. It was my first time going, but apparently the FG Zone leaders go to a prison camp with low security out in the woods to teach people the gospel. I had heard of Christ going to preach to those in Spirit Prison, but I never thought I'd have the chance to teach to those in an Earthly prison. The guy we taught is a member of the church and we simply read and taught about the Book of Mormon. Just as Spirit Prison is, however, it seemed to be mostly a place of learning as opposed to those scary places you see on TV (though I'm sure there are those out there).
Last Monday, Elder Harding went on splits to play football, while Elder Clayton and I traveled on the Max with the Forest Grove District to the Oregon Zoo. It was rather fun, though, most of the animals were sleeping in the shade. Hey, it's what I'd be doing if I were them! It was surely an adventure though. This Monday, a Brother from our ward took us down to Newberg to meet up with the only other ZL trio in the mission to play a couple rounds of disc golf. It was a blast even though I never did manage to get the discs to go where I wanted them.
Tuesday, we helped a part-member family move down the street into our apartment complex in the afternoon, snagged a quick bite to eat and then headed to a meeting with the stake presidency of the Rainier Stake and President Morby. After the meeting, we got the opportunity to have a little more social sit down with President Morby at the Dairy Queen on the way home. I always enjoy chatting in a less formal setting with President Morby. He's like a mission dad for me. And speaking of miracles - it was a miracle that even though we got their right as they were about to lock the doors for the night, they let us in to have our ice cream. Tender mercies of the Lord, for sure! 
On Friday, I attended my first and perhaps my last Oregon Portland Mission Zone Leader Council.  

We had breakfast at the Morby's house as tradition prior to going over and discussing the needs of the mission, under the direction of President Morby and the Assistants to the President. It was neat to be able to hear and participate in the decisions that will take effect in the coming weeks.
At lunch, I got to see an old friend from Oak Hills, Sister Padbury! Yeah! After the meeting, we collected supplies to distribute from the Mission Office and then Elder Clayton had his departing interview with President at the Mission Home, while Elder Harding and I talked with Sister Morby.
On Saturday (or should I say "Service-day"), we started the day by having breakfast with some investigators and mowing/weedwacking their lawn and bucking some hay. Then we headed over to the neighbors to teach our other investigator, but since she wasn't there, we did some more service by assisting the members in cleaning up their back porch quickly before heading back to the apartment to clean up for the climax of the day: BAPTISM!!
I was honored to participate and attend the baptism of our investigator from Forest Grove 1st ward. She was so well prepared and I am grateful that she made the decision, the choice of liberty and eternal life through Christ. I am also grateful that I am so close so that I not only had the opportunity to attend the baptism, but I also was able to attend the confirmation in FG1 Ward the next day. What a blessing beyond words! I can't tell you the joy I feel (and I'm sure our investigator feels) in witnessing another child of God coming into the waters of baptism, promising themselves and God that they will follow Him and His Only Begotten. And as the pictures show, she had great support from the members of her family and her ward family.
So there you have it. Doesn't it seem like Heavenly Father loves me and all these people in Oregon? I know that He loves all of us, for I have seen it. I bear witness of it firsthand and I pray that you will know the same.

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