Monday, May 13, 2013

The Lord watches out for his own

Dear Friends & Family,
Our miracle adventures started last Tuesday immediately following the email update I sent. As we perused the Walmart, I overheard a boy ask his mother about us and she replied, "Oh, it's the Elders. They teach people about God..." As a missionary my ears are fine-tuned to hear every utterance of every variation of our name, it seems -- Mormons, Elders, LDS, missionaries, JWs/Jehovah's Witness (common mistake), Morons, and the list goes on. Elders, however, is a name usually only members refer to us by.
So after my curiousity was peaked and my "missionary sense was tingling," I slowed down and stopped to talk with her. It turns out she grew up with a friend who was Mormon and took her to church and seminary. Her son was super stoked to talk with us and upon our simple invitation, "Well, you said you liked church when you went with your friend when you were younger -- would you like to come again? ... Would you like to have us stop by and visit with you?" The reply was an enthusiastic, "Yeah!" from both the mother and the son.
Not only was it a miracle that we found her, but it was miracle enough that despite us shopping in the Walmart outside of our proselyting area, she just so happened to live a few streets down from us in Banks. We should just going to go shopping to find people to teach! Haha
Then later in the week, we planned to stop by their house to meet with them and unfortunately they cancelled. But another miracle occurred when we were visiting with our recent convert and the boy showed up on his bike in front of the house, appearing to be waiting for us. God truly does lead them to us if we are not already lead to them.
Almost every morning this past week we've attended a district meeting from each of the districts in our zone. Similar to how stakes and wards function, we oversee the work in each of the districts in our zone. It's pretty neat to be able to see the different missionaries in each area find creative and effective ways to move the work forward. It's also cool to be able to be trained and taught about the gospel other than on Sunday. As missionaries, we are taught every day!
In addition to our earlier miracles, we also were blessed by having several good referrals from members this week. Elder Clayton had felt inspired to contact a member at home in which he mentally wasn't attempting to. As we accidentally started talking with this member, she directed us towards another member who gave us someone to visit two doors down.
The conversation we had with the woman who answered the door started out like any other. Upon first glance, however, she looked vaguely familiar to me. She explained to us rather quickly that she knows missionaries and what we do and that she wasn't interested, though she loved the members she knows. As she started backing into her home attempting to close the friendly chat so she could get back to her life, she stopped and asked me, "Hey, you look familiar -- do I know you?"
After exchanging thoughts and information, we came to the conclusion that I had met her in one of my previous areas, Sunset Hills, at the Heywood’s (a member family). We were having dinner at the Heywood's that night and I had shared a Mormon Message (Civility Experiment) with them in hopes to casually bring up the gospel in conversation.
It's crazy how small the world gets just by serving a mission... The woman explained that she had previously fed the missionaries dinner and that she would be happy to have us come by sometime. I promised to make my famous peanut butter chocolate oatmeal goodies. What had originally started as an ordinary door we knocked on, became a blessing heaven-sent from God. No coincidence. We are placed where we are meant to be.
Since we now cover a ward and a branch, I split up with a Priesthood brother and went to the Vernonia Branch yesterday for church, while Elder Harding and Elder Clayton went to Dairy Creek Ward. I have never been to a branch before and I was amazed at how small it is. There wasn't more than 70 people there and only half a chapel with no benches, just chairs. Everyone was super friendly and excited to have a full-time missionary in the branch. A missionary was giving his farewell and I was asked to give a lesson on missionary work on the spot during Sunday School. I also met up with a guy I helped move out of Sunset Hills Ward. Small world!
Life is great and I'm lovin' it! Hope you are too!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Transferred & tripled up

Yesterday, I was transferred with my new companions -- and no, that wasn't a typo -- to the next area over in Dairy Creek & Vernonia Wards. I now have two, count 'em, two companions. And I'm still in the same stake that I was in before. Haha. It's great. While some missionaries would be disappointed for such a small move, I'm thrilled. I get to be near the same people I love, thereby, making it easier for me to hear about their progression in the gospel. My new companions are my former (now fellow) zone leader, Elder Brian Clayton from Parker, Colorado, and Elder Robert Harding from Mesa, Arizona. We are a zone leader tri-panionship just like the ancients were - Peter, James, and John! Haha.

It is certainly an unexpected change on account of me becoming a zone leader, as well, as us being in a trio. I've heard of cases where other missionaries are given a 'special assignment' to be with zone leaders in a trio, but until now, it's been pretty much unheard of to have three zone leaders put together. We have to keep explaining to everyone that none of us are problem missionaries. Haha.