Amidst our tracting this week, we had
a wonderful Thanksgiving. For our Turkey Day, we were told to have our studies
before going to any turkey bowls the members might be hosting, and then to
spend your day with members and/or investigators. No proselyting door to door to
my utter dismay. Haha. We had a blast all day long.
It started with us locking ourselves
out of our apartment on our way out the door accidentally. Luckily we were able
to call the apartment inspector missionaries and they swung by and unlocked it
for us even before we were done with the Turkey Trot. Haha. We were both
slightly miffed with one another until we realized we were both at fault and
that it didn't matter anyways. lol.
"Look at those guys, son, they
look like they're ready for a wedding right after the race!" (A father and
son running by)
"YEAH! Go random guys in
ties!" (several young chilluns)
"'Are those Mormon
'No, they can't be!'
'No, they can't be!'
'I really do think they are Mormon
missionaries!'" (A pair of senior women)
After going home and getting cleaned
up, we departed on our bikes and traveled all over the ward the remainder of
the day. First, we stopped by and visited the Morby's. The assistants to the
President were there and we had fun chatting with one another. Sister Morby
mesmerized us as she was rolling dough and cutting out rolls for her
Thanksgiving dinner with her daughter and son-in-law.
Then the food began... We hung out
with the Brimhalls for a bit and helped them set the table before eating with
them. After we were stuffed much like the turkey, we jumped over to the Carters
and had some pie and ice cream. Then we popped in (almost physically popped!)
on the Carpenters and gobbled down a great and spacious slice of red velvet
cake. When we made our final stop at the Bishop's house, we simply said,
"Can we just hang out with you Bishop - we would prefer not to eat
anything else" after he asked us what he could get us. Haha. We had a
great time and I felt right at home at every family we stopped at. Holidays on
a mission are the best - not only do you get to spend time with family for
dinner, but the whole surrounding area becomes family. What a treat, indeed.
On Friday, we had one last Thanksgiving
dinner with the less-active family we found while tracting a couple weeks ago,
who are now actively coming to church. They're the best. I truly enjoyed
chilling with them and it was warming to hear from the Sister, "You guys
are family now."
On Saturday we continued our tracting
tirade. Sunday came and after two or three times of practicing, we sang with
the Zone Leaders in Sacrament Meeting. We all pitched in our two cents and made
our own rendition/medley of Come
Thou Fount and O
My Father. I have an audio recording of our practices, so I'll send
it home eventually. We did sound a lot better in our actual performance as
opposed to our practices, though, just so you know. Haha.
Plus the evening was made whole by
our running into a potential investigator who invited us in and introduced us
to her family and member boyfriend. Practically no one invites us in, nor are
they openly welcoming into their family, so this was a pleasant surprise! All
of our prayers are coming through -- we have an appointment to come by and
teach them this Wednesday and we're stoked - a family of six people all above
the age of 8!
I hope everyone starts the season
well by remember Christ and how we can give to others. I'm definitely working
on it myself. I love you!