Thursday, April 21, 2011

Examination & Surgery Appointments Scheduled

I have set up the necessary appointments for my physical and dental examinations, as well as the appointment for surgery to have my wisdom teeth removed. The dates and times are as follows:
  • Physical examination (Doctor Steven Heath) - Monday, April 30th 2:00pm
  • Dental examination (Doctor Val E. Ludlow) - No check-up needed*
  • Wisdom teeth surgery (Doctor Robert L. Flint) - Friday, May 6th 12:50pm
*I had initially believed I would have to have the dentist re-check my teeth after my wisdom teeth surgery. So I called to make an appointment with receptionist, but since I have already had my annual dental check up recently she said she would merely take note of the date of my surgery, and sign and send the "Dental Evaluation Forms" to my Bishop. This makes me extremely happy because I can submit my missionary application sooner now!

Ryan Irvine

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