Monday, October 7, 2013

And it's time to return to the world

Dear Family & Friends,
General Conference, Mission Leadership Council... Spiritually fed. I loved Elder Nielson and Elder Ballard's talks on missionary work in the Saturday afternoon session. President Eyring's opening words on Sunday as well as President Monson's in the morning session were great.
At MLC, we were counselled to expect more urgency of the Hastening of Salvation at conference and so it was.
Next week, I am going home. I will be arriving at around 1 pm on October 15th in Utah. I am excited to meet my family, maybe I'll go to the temple to be endowed with power to return home.
I will then turn right back around and drive up to Oregon with my family on the 16th of October. We will be traveling around visiting people and places until Sunday 20 October afternoon when we will travel home. If you would like to meet up with me and my family at some point please call my parents at (801) 265-1103. I'm not sure whether I will be able to check my email next week, so keep that in mind.
I look forward to my next stage in life. I am grateful for these last two years. Thank you all for making me who I am today. I love you.
"And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!"