Monday, June 13, 2011


I went through the 11 AM session in the Salt Lake Temple this morning to be Endowed. I arrived at the temple close to 9:30 AM to perform initiatories and preparatory procedures with escort, one of my best friends, Keith Wood. At around 10:30 the people I invited to the session arrived (Grandma, Aunt Margo, Uncle Mike, Greg Jensen, Mary Jensen, Lucinda Jensen, John Solomon and his wife, Mike Welch and his Wife, and Ben DeMann; Nicole Jensen performed baptisms and confirmations for the dead in the baptistry during the session).

The session was wonderful! I think it was so cool and personally I found it quite entertaining. It was so natural and I felt right at home. I loved the Spirit and the overall good feelings of the surroundings and the ceremony.
We met my parents and some friends outside the temple afterwards and went out for lunch to celebrate. It was truly a spectacular day. Definitely my favorite "Temple Day" yet.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Full-Use Temple Recommend

I have been interviewed by my bishop and my stake president, and I have been declared worthy to enter the temple and receive my Endowments. I now hold a full-use recommend which I can use to enter the temple to perform initiatories, endowments, sealings, baptisms, and confirmations. I will be Endowed for my first time as soon as I can. I am so happy and anxious to be Endowed!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Missionary Call

I have been called to the Oregon Portland Mission!!! I'm so excited! I am happy that I now know where I will serving and I've already started preparing hardcore. I am scheduled to leave for the MTC on September 14, 2011 and I couldn't be more stoked. I have been given a booklet with plenty of information about my mission and I am going through the checklists to make sure I'm doing everything I can to prepare.

Below you can click the links to view the letter and booklet that contains specific information about my mission including a message from the Brethren, background about my Mission President and his wife, and a map of my mission area.

Official documents:

The Call Is Here

Although I'm not opening the envelope until after my Dad gets off work tonight at 9 PM, I'm pleased and absolutely ecstatic to declare that the call letter has arrived in my mailbox! Stay tuned until later for the 'worldwide broadcast' to announce where and when I'm going to serve the Lord!